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Work Till You Drop Under the Boris Johnson Government

Monday 19 August, 2019 Written by  Daily Mirror/Simon Collyer
Work Till You Drop Under the Boris Johnson Government

PENSIONS FEARS -The state pension age is set to rise to 75 over the next 16 years — based on a plan by Iain Duncan Smiths Think Tank Centre for Social Justice states the Mirror Newspaper. 

A report out by the Centre for Social Justice says Britain can no longer afford the current plan to raise the pension age to 67 in 2028 then 68 by 2046, so it must be speeded up.

The pensions bill has risen from £17billion in 1989 to £92billion now, making up £4 of every £10 of welfare spending, the report adds. By 2023 it will cost £20billion more as the population ages and the birth-rate falls.

It proposes raising the eligible age to 70 by 2028 and 75 by 2035.

The first people likely to be affected by such a change are those born between March 6, 1961, and April 5, 1977.

ABC Note: The fact that the baby boomers would retire was known about in the ’50s. Many people will feel rightly angry that they might be expected to work until 75 before they get a pension. Though people are living longer, they are not necessarily any healthier. Many people will find these proposals absurd and impractical. 

Here are the birth years for each generation:

  • Gen Z, iGen, or Centennials: Born 1996 – TBD.
  • Millennials or Gen Y: Born 1977 – 1995.
  • Generation X: Born 1965 – 1976.
  • Baby Boomers: Born 1946 – 1964.
  • Traditionalists or Silent Generation: Born 1945 and before.

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