Assisted living aids can help you to maintain independence, stay safe at home and manage your condition better. This may be a wheelchair, walking sticks; a gadget to open bottles and cans, or devices to help your breathing, such as oxygen in a bottle. Sometimes you can get help with adapting your home. This includes having extra hand rails fitted or changing the height of the bed. Other things that can be done to make it easier for you to move around include: widening doors and installing ramps, installing a stair lift or providing a downstairs bathroom, adapting the heating or lighting controls to make them easier to use, providing gadgets for free or at a reduced cost, though sometimes you may have to wait For information on what’s available and where to get it from, speak to your GP or practice nurse, local pharmacist or social care staff.

North Somerset Residents
Following assessment, adaptive equipment is sometimes supplied to you for use at home following discharge. This may include items such as commodes, trolleys, perching stools, toileting equipment, chair & bed raisers and hoists. The equipment is issued on loan, without charge, and will either be delivered or given to you, a friend or relative to take home.

Bristol & South Gloucestershire Residents
Following assessment, adaptive equipment is sometimes supplied to you for use at home following discharge. This may include items such as commodes, trolleys, perching stools, toileting equipment, chair & bed raisers and hoists. The equipment is issued on loan, without charge, and will either be delivered or given to you, a friend or relative to take home.

The Community Equipment Service is a working partnership between Liverpool City Council and Liverpool Community Health, which is provided across Liverpool and Sefton.
The service provides health and social care equipment to meet the needs of Liverpool and Sefton residents, enabling safe discharge from hospitals and promoting independence and mobility in their home environment.

We are a small team consisting of three Occupational Therapists, one Technical Instructor, one Technical Engineer, and three Administrative staff.