Find out what assistance you can get with travel costs, both from the government and employers. It is important that you know what you are entitled to, and that your disability does not prevent you from attending work or interviews.

Our aim is to improve the transport provision for people in the local community who have limited mobility or who would otherwise be socially excluded or geographically isolated. Community Transport, has a fleet of wheelchair accessible minibuses and a large pool volunteer drivers using their own cars.We operate bus routes, open for all to use within the Colchester Borough.Groups and organisations can hire our minibuses.
We broker other organisations minibuses to members of the scheme can book places on our very popular excursions, visiting sites and attractions in the local area.Our Shopmobility scheme lends manual and powered wheelchairs and scooters to members of the public with limited mobility.

The Chelmsford Dial-A-Ride scheme is open to all residents of the Borough of Chelmsford who have difficulty accessing conventional public transport by reason of Age, Disability, Social or Rural exclusion. There is a £5 annual membership fee and a small contribution based on a sliding scale to be paid for each journey. All journeys must start and finish within the Borough of Chelmsford. We cover most kinds of journeys including shopping, social, recreational, educational and medical. We can sometimes provide one way trips to hospital appointments subject to availability of vehicles. A limited number of trips may be available to daycare centres, again subject to availability of vehicles. A minimum of two days’ notice is usually required for all bookings.