Essex Law Clinic

Essex Law Clinic is based on University's Colchester Campus. We are open for appointments all year round (with limited service between April and October) on campus or on outreaches (Colchester, Jaywick...)
Free and confidential advice
Members of the public, students and University staff can use the Essex Law Clinic to get free initial advice about a legal problem they are facing. We offer clients an initial consultation to find out their legal position and advise them on what steps they can take to remedy the issues.
We operate by appointment and an initial assessment, which is made by the Clinic Manager, in order to find out whether we can help. Clients are then asked to attend an appointment and bring with them all relevant documentation relating to their legal issue.
All legal advice and assistance is given in the strictest confidence.
What we can help with
We can advise on the following issues:
- landlord and tenant disputes
- freehold and leasehold disputes
- employment issues
- consumer issues
- equality issues
- benefits advice
- contracts
- negligence
We cannot take appointments for issues that concern immigration, criminal law, will writing, tax and debt; however, we plan on giving initial immigration advice in the near future. We also cannot assist any person wishing to pursue a claim against the University, its governors, employees or students. Nor can we assist in claims that may create a conflict of interest for our supervising law firms. We reserve the right not to give advice in any particular case.
The Essex Law Clinic is not regulated by the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority and does not claim to be a solicitors practice. All law students participating in the Essex Law Clinic receive thorough training and adhere to the Pro Bono Protocol.
Appointment booking
Please contact the Essex Law Clinic Tel: +44(0)1206 874429
or email